My husband and I have been living in Shanghai for a few years and yet, we are still very concerned about the political development back home.
We are deeply disappointed and furious about most of the recent events. Malaysiakini has provided a good platform for us to catch up with the real and most recent developments. Bravo to the Malaysiakini team!
Living in Shanghai is dynamic. We can anticipate the bright future of the China's Chinese. Even as an overseas Chinese, we are well-respected and protected by the police. Let me give you an example.
Foreigners are told to register with the police at the community office in our apartment. The police came at the designated date, met us and took down our details. The police explained the rationale behind this - they want to ensure that foreigners are taken care of, and of course, to check if we are working illegally.
My point is that living in Shanghai and reading news from home every day on Malaysiakini makes me think of our future. Where is our future as a Malaysian? I can't help the contrast I feel everyday here and reading news back home.