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LETTER | DAP has 'roared' against PAS and should continue to do so

LETTER | Three liars make a tiger. The Chinese idiom carries the same meaning as “when a lie is told long enough, it becomes the truth”.

DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke had just “roared” at PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang over the latter’s malicious slander – alleging the former of being involved in the pardon and royal addendum issue.

For once, it is not the pussycat that it had been since becoming part of the government.

With this turnaround, it is hoped that DAP will no longer bend over backwards or purr like a cat when Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim strokes its ego or throws them some small morsels of support.

DAP must shed its not-so-dignified “dignified silence” and its paranoid fear of being seen as rude and racist by single-race parties and speak up against religious and racial extremism.

Wise up

Loke should refrain from declaring he would sacrifice anything for Anwar to remain prime minister. He should wise up; he is the lamb to be sacrificed silently and stealthy by Anwar when he needs to appease tribal religious and racial sentiments.

DAP must let Anwar know he is riding the tiger and should not dismount and hitch a ride with another political creature and would be unwise and detrimental to delay any of the promises and reform pledges of the last general election.

The momentum to defend and counter PAS is in motion. The ignited spark to tell the truth, to reject lies and to stand and speak up for racial and religious tolerance must not be extinguished.

DAP owes it to those who voted for them and Pakatan Harapan to defend and speak up for truth and democracy.

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