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LETTER | Anwar on the plight of Palestinians

LETTER | I can understand why Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim makes frequent visits to Arab countries to meet up with the political representatives of the Hamas movement and others.

Such meetings enable Anwar to enhance his political credentials in supporting the demand for the settlement of the long-drawn-out Palestinian issue.

His meetings with the Hamas representatives might pose a diplomatic problem because Hamas has been declared a terrorist organisation by the US.

However, Anwar has defended his relationship based on his links with the political organisation and not Hamas’ military organisation.

Whether this will convince the US remains to be seen.

As it is, there are allegations that some Malaysian companies are engaged in transporting petroleum from Iran to be marketed to other countries because of the US ban on exports from Iran.

Anwar has denied this, but I am not sure whether the US is convinced. The recent visit by a US sanctions official underscores the claim of the transfer of petroleum from Iran through Malaysian companies.

Coming back to the Palestinian issue, there is nothing wrong with having good relations with the Hamas leaders.

The other Palestinian organisations such as PLO lack the legitimacy currently enjoyed by Hamas.

It is only Hamas that is at the forefront of resistance or war against Israel.

If there is a political settlement between Israel and the Palestinians, the role of Hamas has to be factored in.

There can be no political settlement of the Palestinian problem without Hamas.

Hamas might be condemned as a terrorist organisation but the fact remains that is the only effective representative of the Palestinians.

In this respect, Anwar needs to have ties with Hamas.

While Anwar seems to enjoy his frequent trips to the Middle East calling for the de-escalation of conflict in the Palestinian territory, he seems clueless on what should be the kind of political settlement that is best for the Palestinian people.

To date, he has not commented on the proposed two-state solution to resolve the Palestinian quest for statehood.

Frequent meetings with Arab leaders and those in Hamas definitely improve Malaysia’s profile as the defender of the inalienable rights of the Palestinians.

Anwar knows that there is no consensus among the Arab countries as to what should be the political solution for the future of the Palestinian people.

Rubbing shoulders with Arab leaders is important, but it is more important to diplomatically engage the superpowers such as the US, Russia and China for an eventual solution to the Palestinian problem.

Anwar knows very well the US holds the key to the political solution of the Palestinians. But unfortunately, he is reluctant to engage the US or because his views are not appreciated in Washington.

Anwar can only do so much to enhance his domestic profile, but if Malaysia uncritically swings to the official position of the Arab countries, then the country might not have meaningful input in influencing the course of events for the resolution of the Palestinian problem.

Maybe Anwar should show his prowess as a top-notch diplomat and peacemaker in resolving the long-festering problem between the Thai government and the Malay Muslims in Southern Thailand.

Despite Malaysia’s role as the mediator, nothing worthwhile has emerged since Anwar assumed office as the prime minister.

Anwar should adhere to the axiom that charity begins at home first.

P RAMASAMY is former Penang deputy chief minister.

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