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LETTER | Time to shut up on vernacular schools

LETTER | Seriously, how far should we allow vernacular schools to be used as a whipping boy in this country?

I remember at one time one cannot not even question the existence of such schools. Now we even allow legal challenges on the constitutionality of vernacular schools to the highest court in the land.

Although the Federal Court has decided, certain quarters remain dissatisfied for various reasons.

Politicking is one of the most common reasons. Every now and then, politicians or some political parties in need of attention and sectarian support would use this weapon.

It is convenient to use the presence of vernacular schools to explain disunity and racial polarisation in the country. However, I doubt very much whether these people are genuinely interested in unity.

For all I know, they may have hated vernacular schools more than they loved national unity. National harmony is just lip service to shut down something they dislike and are envious of.

Hurtful accusations

Then we have researchers and academicians, capitalising on their so-called intellectual and research ability or even political ambition, to run down vernacular schools for causing racial dissent.

They make accusations that are hurtful to hear, like, for example, Chinese schools teaching their students to look down on other races.

There are numerous issues confronting Malaysia for it to become a united and harmonious nation. Vernacular schools could be one but it is not the most pertinent one.

To make statements based on few facts and many opinions is dangerous. Was there any serious research done and data compiled? How many Chinese and Tamil school students are blatantly racist and supremacist?

We are told to continue engaging with people who are against vernacular schools. However, my view is we have heard them enough. They were never satisfied at every twist and turn, including their failed constitutional challenge at the Federal Court.

I believe we can only indulge in intellectual discourse with people who are rational and factual. It is impossible to talk with people saddled with their own political agenda, envy, and vendetta.

It is time for the government of the day to state unequivocally the rights and contributions of vernacular schools in this country. Those who continue inciting and making wild accusations without facts and figures should be investigated and charged.

Democracy is not without limits. Free speech is not when it suits them.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.

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