From Our Readers

LETTER | Our Malaysian politicians continue to embolden in abusing religion with each passing general or by-election.

Despite our rulers - the ultimate custodians of Islam, admonishing politicians not to abuse religion for ulterior political mileage, we still continue to hear of such instances.

Frightening voters with warnings like one's passport to heaven is subject to voting for a particular political party, to declare voting for a candidate of another party as 'haram' is not only dangerous in the long haul but certainly desecrates a religion.

Despite the admonishments from high offices and the public outcry by honourable and moderate followers of a religion, such disgusting making of religion as political currency continues.

In essence, those who belt such despicable injustices of abusing religion for political mileage cannot be swept under the carpet as it is becoming a trend on the campaign trails of elections.


To dismiss such false, misleading and desecrating statements and claims with a laugh equally deems us guilty of not defending a religion.

Whatever the religion is, no one politician has the license to abuse it for their own gains.

Worst, no one should preach deviant and mutilated interpretations of that religion.

The rulers have warned. The police have warned. Right-minded moderate believers have expressed their worrying concerns.

Responsible media have reported all such instances of abuse and sheer mockery.

However, the abusive misuse of religion continues unabated and unpunished in Malaysia.

Do we ever realise the precipitate consequences, ultimately, and the heavy price a nation will have to pay for the abuse of religion/s if we cannot act decisively against those who abuse, mock and preach falsely for ulterior gains?

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