LETTER | What a shame!
Instead of enhancing the quality of holistic education, teacher quality and school leadership quality, the Madani government is focusing on reinforcing Islamic education in our national schools.
Our nation and schools were meant to be secular in nature.
Our nation's founding fathers made it clear that they wanted a secular, democratic and inclusive multiethnic country.
Unfortunately, the Ketuanan Melayu and Islamic agenda is gaining firmer ground day by day.
Enough is enough.
I urge right-thinking Malaysians to unite and demand the Education Ministry to focus on enhancing the quality of our school education and not transform our national schools into religious schools.
Above all, this misguided attitude of the Madani government to exhibit a more Islamic-centric stand than PAS is divisive and will tear the nation apart in the long run.
Malaysia badly needs a bold and far-sighted Malay political leader to unite Malaysians through a "win-win" and inclusive national agenda aimed at creating a truly united, meritocratic and prosperous Bangsa Malaysia.
I had faith in Anwar Ibrahim, but alas he has been quite a letdown.
It does appear that we have to depend on divine intervention to steer our beloved nation toward the right track. I hope and pray that I am wrong!
RANJIT SINGH MALHI is an independent historian who has written 19 books on Malaysian, Asian, and world history. He is highly committed to writing an inclusive and truthful history of Malaysia based upon authoritative sources.
The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.