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LETTER | What’s in the mind of politicians and voters...

LETTER | Sigmund Freud suggested that a leader's behaviour and decision-making skill were largely determined by the interaction in their personality of the id, ego and superego, and their control of the pleasure principle and reality principle.

Some state elections are around the corner and the noise will reach a deafening crescendo soon. Most people will vote based on political affiliation and don’t understand why and the politicians know that.

Politicians should be people who are motivated by national interest and think beyond the five-year term, but questions arise on whether there is more self-interest than inclusive interest.

As voters, do we want to choose leaders based on traits or motives? 

For traits, it should be a model candidate with a desired leadership principle and who is more emotionally stable, extravert-assertive, transparent and honest mediated by core ideological including world views. Not a katak di bawah tempurung.

In terms of political psychology, motivation is viewed as goal-oriented behaviour driven by a need for power, affiliation, intimacy and achievement. 

But then, individual behaviour is totally different in a group setting as it has to lean toward parties’ ideologies.

Most of us make the mistake of thinking that a politician would act in a certain way as many ordinary people do. Sad to say, politicians are a different breed.

Some decide to pursue a political career due to a desire to initiate change. Desire after witnessing injustices, tired of the ineptitude of current representatives and thinking they can do better.

At this point, hunger for power and attention may not be a consideration yet. They are more idealistic than realistic.

As they move on, competition creeps in and they are capable of stepping on a few toes along the way. Hunger for power, the money game and self-interest begin to appear. They will start looking for a constituency where they are guaranteed a win and start doing less for their constituents.

Wouldn't it be great if politicians had to take a personality test at this stage, to see what is behind the smiles and show of empathy and post the results for the world to see? 

As for voters, their vote choice is shifting from choosing between parties to choosing between candidates and today, coalitions. 

Voters generally want to be represented by their politicians on traits that are conventionally associated with good leadership and expect politicians to be more capable than themselves.

But many politicians will be “playing with your mind".

Short-term memory

Voters will prioritise values but many have short-term memory. Politicians know that some people may forget stuff stored in their long-term memory and manipulate it. They will feed you food and give you some money but that will only last for a day or two.

Voters need to remember why they say they were not going to vote and all of a sudden, plan to vote. Think back about the reasons. Do not let politicians play on short-term memory to be elected. 

Fiery and fancy speeches tend to attract voters but keep track of their promises for the improvement of lives. And for incumbents, measure their actual performance. 

Some politicians are gifted in public speaking, but getting the job done, the good-hearted charm falters. Who will be there to redeem and restore and complete the job?

Today, we need fundamental changes in our education system, delivery system and many more. Are we being empowered or the powers that be know all?

Politicians know when they are not performing, but they provide you with entertainment.

If some of these politicians were in the private sector, they would have been sacked a long time ago, because all they did was talk but no work.

Voters should speak their minds and not fall for the political games. Show them you know what games they are playing.

All this while, did we elect the “wrong” politicians?

We don’t need “craven” elites who are self-interested, self-regarding, unprincipled, and ambitious which leads to political apathy, political inefficacy and democratic despondency.

Sadly, today, politicians engage in unconscious rationalisation to justify their political positions, portraying their views as wise, benevolent and principled while casting opponents’ views as thoughtless and greedy.

It is democratically necessary to remember that politicians are neither a homogenised group of saints nor sinners.

Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do righteous deeds that He will assuredly make them succeed (the present) rulers and grant them vicegerency in the land just as He made those before them to succeed (others) - Quran, Surah An-Nur: 55.

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