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LETTER | PAS must explain motives behind militia-styled cosplay

LETTER | Malaysians are quite puzzled over Himpunan Pemuda Islam Terengganu (Himpit), which saw a group of PAS youths, dressed up as militia and carrying replica weapons, marching on the road.

It is understandable for a political party to conduct gatherings for its members to network, communicate, and maybe discuss key political strategies, but such a march will surely leave everyone speculating on the motives behind it.

Since the video of the march went viral on social media and received criticisms from various parties, several PAS leaders have jumped up to defend it. However, I see their arguments as weak as they are defending the march with various reasons that just do not hold water.

Firstly, PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has likened the march to a Chinese opera, where he said the actors in the show also carry replica weapons like swords and spears, just like the PAS youths. What he does not mention is that actors and actresses of a Chinese opera will not go down to the street and march under a war theme.

They will only perform in one fixed, scheduled location with their every single movement being carefully scripted. Furthermore, Chinese opera performers, though also holding replica weapons, do not dress or masquerade as warlords or soldiers. Their dressings and make-ups are solely based on ancient Chinese tradition to project cultural and entertainment values. They are never meant to incite any emotions or sentiments related to war.

Historical value

Then we have PAS committee member Nasrudin Hassan who described criticism against the march as a form of Islamophobia.

He even cited the National Day parade where he said marches with weapons have been a regular feature in Malaysia.

But he doesn't seem to realise that National Day marches have historical value. What is the purpose and value of the Himpit march? We are left in the dark as PAS leaders are just too hesitant to explain this clearly.

According to Merriam-Webster, militia can mean “a private group of armed individuals that operates as a paramilitary force and is typically motivated by a political or religious ideology”. The Himpit march fully fulfils all the characteristics outlined in this definition, which is why it is essential for PAS to clarify its motives clearly to the public before more unrest occurs.

You can’t blame the people for fearing Islam needlessly if you don’t even supply them with sufficient information about your action.

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