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LETTER | Klang MP and easy political bullet

LETTER | Talk is rife that DAP is contemplating replacing the incumbent Klang MP Charles Santiago with another candidate.

This has raised the concern of many within and outside the Klang constituency on the politics at play within the hierarchy of DAP.

Klang has become a fortress for DAP since 2008  and perhaps that is giving the confidence that whoever the candidate, Klang will remain with DAP.

I think DAP should take note of what the caretaker prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob reportedly said in Bagan Datuk last week to the Umno faithful. “The days of BN winning with even a songkok as a candidate has gone”.

Basically, he mentioned that the electorate had become discerning and do not vote blindly anymore.

Back in 2008, post the Hindraf rally in 2007, DAP approached the Indian NGOs and asked if anyone would be interested in standing for the 2008 election.

Politically DAP had wanted to take advantage of the Indian sentiments prevailing then. And among the few who accepted was Charles; willing to stand supported by his friends in the NGO world and others.

In those days, Klang was aBN fortress and to use Ismail Sabri’s anecdote any songkok can win Klang for BN.

Many were not sure if Charles was making the right decision and there were a few who thought he may lose his deposit. But history was made.

And when Charles became a YB, he worked himself to the ground. He knew outside the NGO world he was an unknown. He is not known to rant for political mileage.

He was an intellectual but was able to reach out to all. Having an NGO background he was able to understand the plights of the downtrodden.

He was a simple man. He was comfortable with his short-sleeve-checked shirt and sandals. No big entourage will accompany him when he moves like some other politicians.

Therefore to hear of DAP wanting to ditch Charles for another is unsettling for people in the NGO world and others.

For Indians, it is also worrying. There are not many Indian politicians who are as adept as Charles in the world of service and helping the community.

He understands Indian issues as no other. In fact, he understands the plight of the downtrodden Malaysians.

So I hope, DAP would realise this and not sacrifice a hard-working, sincere and principled politician for the sake of party politics.

The repercussion will be great not only in Klang but where ever DAP stands and there are Indian voters. Do not give easy political bullets to your opponents.

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