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I refer to the letter Refrain from using neo-colonial myths to attack Malays by ES Chua. The least Chua could do is to read Eric's response carefully.

Eric did not say that the Malays had robbed the country from its original inhabitants. He just said that Malay are also immigrants. This is obvious to anyone who has walked amongst us in a typical Malaysia night market. I do not know why it is so difficult for Chua to acknowledge.

Please pray tell us Chua, who among the Malay elite claim that they are descended from the Temuans, Jakuns or Kanaks? Or an easier one - who founded the Malacca sultanate and where did he come from? Here is another - the Sejarah Melayu alleges that Parameswara was a descendant of which famous conqueror?

Despite all the details you spew in your letter, I am sorry but you really did not prove Eric wrong. You just have to try harder. Tagging onto what Eric said as a neo-colonist (presumably because Eric is a foreigner) is not good enough. Neither is dragging Lee Kuan Yew's name into your argument.

Eric responded to racist and nonsensical remarks made by FN about Chinese Malaysians. This is commendable. Being a Malaysian of Chinese descent, I greatly appreciate his effort.

Chua, on the other hand, took one of his remarks and misrepresented what Eric tried to say. If Chua wants to pander to his 'elder brothers' by all means do so. He is not alone. However, the least he could do is be honest in his efforts.

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