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LETTER | Press freedom: Looming fear may become prevalent in M'sia

LETTER | The recent court verdict sentencing Malaysiakini (including an earlier case) as guilty as charged, paralyses Malaysia's already much clipped independent journalism.

When the Reynolds defence and Reportage defence relied upon by all news media in every democracy across the world can no longer protect news reporting here in Malaysia, we must be mindful of the price that comes with such media impediments.

In this globally connected and speed-networked society, news accessibility is at our fingertips and immune to border controls.

We may cripple the independence of journalism within the country but we cannot blockade world news reports.

Hence as local media may be hampered, belittled, or even threatened and cautious of eventualities, this looming fear to therefore report under cover of the Reynolds or Reportage principles of defence may now become prevalent in Malaysia's journalism.

We must never forget that when you impede professional journalism locally, you will suffer more under the radar of international media.

Ultimate court rulings must be accepted but we cannot dismiss how journalism, throughout history, has survived all kinds of oppressions and suppressions from the very start of the penny press.

Many nations are beginning to discover that in today's world of Manuel Castells' "network society", no government and no legal canopy can ever withstand the power of the press.

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