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LETTER | A good time to unite and reflect on our nation’s future

LETTER | I have been reading about the intrusion of our airspace recently and it got me thinking.

It is bad enough we have to deal with a pandemic, now our airspace is being intruded and the sovereignty of our seas is also being threatened.

We therefore must now think of unity and to defend our sovereignty as one, as Malaysians!

What we have is a country so blessed that others are eyeing for a piece of it if they could have it. It is evident from history as well. This is while some of us may see that there is no hope left for this country and there is prosperity and a better quality of life elsewhere.

I agree that Malaysia could be better and that other countries elsewhere are perhaps more advanced. However, I also think that what they have achieved and are enjoying now is a result of many years of reforms and sacrifices by their people. Some countries went through civil wars and revolutions but all of them fought to make their country better.

The question is whether we are willing to strive for our own sake and our future generation’s sake of having the great nation we desire. No one else will do it for us. The journey is long and only after much effort can we see success.

We have to be united, brave, smart, diligent and progressive to make our country a developed nation. We are every bit as capable as others to be a developed nation. Do not let the rot continue.

Our education system, laws, maybe even policies need to be reformed. It should be done peacefully based on universal values such as meritocracy, fairness, mutual respect and sincerity. Leave no one behind, it has to be an all-Malaysian effort. We must continue to fight the bad elements as how other people in other countries would be doing for theirs. It is not an easy task and no one said it would be easy.

This is because there could be some who are perceived to be holding back the reforms but as I have said, other countries have had their share of these problems too in their history, and perhaps even currently. We are just starting later in our development and we have to overcome the challenges. However, we do not need to blindly follow the practices of the West as we can make our own model and keep our Asian cultures and values.

I believe there is discrimination and prejudice everywhere, in one form or another. When there is enough to go around, things will look good, but in times of difficulty perhaps the West would then show a different picture. I also believe there are more good people than bad ones so we have to get better, and get capable leaders who are sincere and clean to lead us.

We actually have shown in times of hardship that we are still peaceful, respectful, united and able to still help the needy. We can even keep making parodies. We don’t have gun violence, natural disasters and random beatings on the streets.This is something we should appreciate and continue to work upon.

I may not have convinced many to agree with me or even live to see the changes I wish for, but I can say that I am trying and if I fail, at least I tried.

There is no other way to say it but we just cannot give up the fight. All of us have to strive and not forsake our country to make it great. My generation is the last of the past glory days and we need all the support we can get to make it glorious again.

Lastly, I know many feel we have been betrayed and have fallen as a country, but whenever a seed falls, a mighty tree could grow from it. So, even as we have fallen, it could be the beginning of our growth into a successful and mighty country!

Have a nice day. Stay safe, get vaccinated and don’t be a spreader of Covid-19.

GERALD MAK is a legal practitioner and former Penang Island City councillor.

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