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The Malaysian people are suffering under the yoke of apathy. An oxymoron? I disagree.

Unfortunately, a huge majority suffer in silence because they believe they have economic progress. Little do they realise that from an inept prime minister to ministers who are uncouth and corrupt, we are heading towards an ugly future where 'economic progress' will not be enough.

Why do I say this? Take a good look around and read the signs. We live in a country that is so racially divided that the mere mention of religious freedom sparks controversy. Children in schools are taught to be bigots and fear the person next to them who might be of a different race or religion.

Children are taught that regardless of how excellent one's academic performance is, one must be of a particular race and/or religion to qualify for government scholarships. Children are told that they should not aspire to be civil servants or CEOs of government-linked companies (GLCs) unless they are from a certain ethnic group.

I acknowledge that most countries practice some form of affirmative action. The idea behind this is to ensure a level-playing field so that there is little social unrest and the country can progress in the right direction. But the affirmative action in this country has only benefitted a small group of people who are kin to those in power and is on the path to creating social unrest.

Under the guise of affirmative action, this government, which has been in power for almost 50 years, has managed to produce a nation that is generally unable to meet the challenges of the 21st century. They have produced leaders that are uninspiring and racist. This country, as it is today, will never be able to emerge as a leader because we have leaders who are too busy protecting their kin and stealing the nation's wealth.

Please do not quote to me the number of committees that Malaysia chairs internationally, because in my opinion these are useless positions. Malaysia speaks about human rights internationally yet on a daily basis violates the rights of its own minority citizens.

I conclude by saying that for a nation that often prides itself on its religious values to remind itself that all religions promise retribution to those who trample on the poor and marginalised. To those who perpetuate religious and racial divide for no other reason than to remain in power, please be reminded that God is watching. And this also goes to those who merely stand aside and do nothing.

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