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LETTER | If you thought that May 9, 2018, signalled the end of Najib Abdul Razak’s reign of terror, you were gravely mistaken. All of us were. 

Despite having 25 charges of corruption and abuse of power hanging over his head, the infamous ex-prime minister does not live like one bearing the weight of criminal trials.

In fact, he has been busy scheming and conspiring behind the scenes to bulldoze back into power. 

Don’t make the fatal mistake of thinking that Najib becoming prime minister again is a mere idea born out of delusion for it is now a very real possibility.

Dare you imagine such a future? If Najib becomes PM again, the very first thing he would do would be to completely wipe out all his political opponents, i.e. Pakatan Harapan leaders and in particular, DAP.

During the nine years he was in power, he never once concealed his deep hatred for the opposition. 

He tried all sorts of despicable means to harass, intimidate, and silence them - be it trumped-up charges, court cases or jail sentences. 

So if he regains power, he would hunt them down with a renewed vengeance. This time, he would leave no stone unturned.

Why should you care? You should care because Harapan leaders are the ones who have been fighting tooth-and-nail for change and reform in this country - for freedom, for equality, for fairness. 

Not just for a certain race or for certain segments of society but for all Malaysians regardless of race or religion.

We do not just need a system under which our elected representatives can serve as a means of check and balance. For we do not even have that. 

What we need are leaders who can steer our country in the right direction and restore this lost balance. Leaders who will stick to their principles come hell or high water - and who don’t sell their souls for money or position.

If Najib becomes PM again, corruption and abuse of power may explode like never before. Expect 2MDB, 3MDB, 4MDB, and a whole string of financial scandals with no end in sight.

Why should you care? You should care because billions of ringgit from taxpaying Malaysians have disappeared - money you worked so hard for and trusted that the government would utilise for your betterment and welfare.

All that money you slogged for not spent on you or your children or your grandchildren. Given the chance, they will steal even more from you once again.

But with a neutralised or destroyed Harapan, who will stand up for you? Who will fight for your rights, be your voice in Parliament, address issues that affect your everyday life?

If Najib becomes PM again, kiss whatever that’s left of our tattered democracy goodbye. Malaysia would just be a democratic state in name and nothing else.

Why should you care? You should care because Najib would not hesitate to use the force of the law to mercilessly crackdown on your democratic freedoms, even if you are just an ordinary citizen. He did it before, he’ll do it again. 

But this time, his measures would be even more brutal and draconian than what you’ve ever seen. 

Having lost power in the 2018 general election, he will stop at nothing to ensure that he never loses it again.

Therefore my fellow Malaysians, I plead with you - should we be subjected to a snap election this year that we did not ask for, vote wisely. 

Every vote counts, not for yourself but for your children and for future generations to come.

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