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LETTER | In February 2020, the world as we knew it ceased to exist due to a novel virus known as Covid-19, carrying the following symptoms, cold, cough, fever, difficulty breathing.

Over the same period, the Malaysia I knew quickly languished in oblivion, due to a highly contagious “virus” presenting the following symptoms, corruption, cronyism, racism, dictatorial decision-making.

My beloved Malaysians, the deadly second wave of infection is not of Covid-19. It is the power-hungry, profit-at-all-costs “virus” attempting to rob Malaysia from us once again whilst we are conveniently imprisoned in our homes and physically restrained from protesting these gross injustices.

First, it was the heart-breaking betrayal of the people’s mandate by engaging in the dirtiest levels of politics to form a morally illegitimate ruling party. Then it was the appointment of unqualified government heads to lead GLCs – a practice with a reputation for abuse of power and a breeding ground for more 1MDB scandals. 

Next, was the disgusting plea deal between the prosecution and Riza Abdul Aziz that reeked of political agenda and bribery. The very people who infuriated Malaysians and triggered the 2018 Pakatan Harapan electoral win are now off the hook owing to their political influence without any meaningful and justifiable explanation from the PN government. Finally, it was the Dewan Rakyat sitting that demonstrated a blatant disregard for parliamentary democracy.

I am frustrated. My heart aches, one step forward and two steps back. Yes, the progress has been uneven, but this cannot deter us. Dig deep. It is painful, I know to keep finding the strength to fight this battle but democracy does not always move in a straight line.

Look how far we’ve come. We defied all odds by defeating a relentless 60-year-old reigning party in 2018. We charged an ex-prime minister with 42 counts of corruption and money-laundering and we have since recovered millions of embezzled funds. Most importantly, we weakened a party that believed with every cell in their bodies that they were invincible. That was us. That was people power.

Sadly, due to our recent complacency, the virus has re-emerged with a vengeance. But we will not sit idle and remain helpless. What can we do?

Abide by the following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs):

- Educate ourselves by reading independent news articles, listening to all sides of the story and drawing informed conclusions.

- Do not buy into their divisive race game. We are not a threat to each other! The threat is external.

- Demand answers, challenge decisions, ask questions. Do not take the easy, popular and more comfortable path of merely accepting what is served.

- Have honest discussions with our family and friends.

- Interact with other races. Seek to understand each other’s struggles and see that we have so much in common.

- Start and sign petitions to spread awareness.

Ask ourselves what kind of Malaysia do we want. Do we want a safer, fairer, happier more prosperous Malaysia for all or just for ourselves?

Be kind to one another in whatever way we can, show each other that we do not seek to exploit but to share.

Pray and hold a positive space for a thriving Malaysia.

I am not naive to think this will solve the deep-rooted, multi-layered problems our country confronts, but we must start somewhere and it starts with the right intention and spirit. Democracy dies in silence and it takes generations to develop truly democratic institutions. 

I am confident we’ll get there but democracy begins with you even whilst #stayingathome. How aptly captured by HL Mencken - “Democracy is the art of running the circus from the monkey cage.”

Whilst we overcome Covid-19, let us join forces to defeat the real virus for which your voice is the only reliable vaccine.

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