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LETTER | Greed. Greed has become the number one currency in this multi-religious country despite all the praying and worshipping.

Greed's symbiotic partner of excellence is corruption. Can we name one leader who stands tall and can proclaim he or she is not corrupt - ie free from the sins of omission or commission committed against the conscience of this nation?

Greed and corruption underlie the premise upon which our country has plunged into a political dilemma.

Politics is a profession like all other vocations. You get paid for your services and expertise.

But look at the lifestyles of our politicians. Look at their family members' easy excess to riches - through business deals and stocks.

Even a school kid can do the maths. It just does not add up.

Look at the Norwegian corner. Why are the people progressing almost effortlessly?

Look at the developed nations. They too have political battles. But betraying their citizenry never happens. Only differing schools of thought in addressing problems are the issue.

Here in Malaysia, the citizens are branded lazy. Citizens are made scapegoats each time our democracy is attacked or undermined.

The police investigations mounted each time citizens gather to voice their grave concerns and to register their unhappiness are examples to suffice here for now.

Citizens are schooled to feed the greed and corrupt ways of doing business or conducting our lives - be it in education, health care, or any industry we know of, from construction to farming.

The mantra zealously guarded by the powers that be in the country is: 'This nation belongs to all Malaysians. We must build it together. But let me have the piece of cake first, and don't dare question it'.

When you take cognisance of the numerous court cases in progress or pending charges, you wonder if this is not a reflection of the massive greed and corruption that has permeated our society and especially the political grid. If no, then what is it.

Surely it is not political persecution?

Despite all that we may analyse and state and blame others for the country's political dilemma, one thing that needs national will and courage to admit before addressing the problems is the fact that for as long as greed and corruption are the clogs of our political thrust, we are doomed.

And if all hell falls apart, will we blame the citizens again? Or shall we pick on a foreign agentry for our woes?

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.

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