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But does PKR also stand for justice, Nik Nazmi?

LETTER | I refer to Setiawangsa MP Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad’s opinion piece, in which he writes, “As for PKR and myself, we will continue to fight for a Malaysia that does justice to and is home for all its people.”

Firstly, allow me to admit that his write-up had encouraging elements in it, for I would wholeheartedly agree that one of the chief imperatives for a new Malaysian social narrative – albeit one that is going to involve much hard work – is the multicultural approach. 

And to some extent, I would also agree that PKR has led the way by forming a political party with a multicultural flavour.

It seems therefore somewhat ironical, that I should then pose this question to Nik Nazmi – and by extent, PKR – that whether his party is also keen on justice? 

Ironical because “justice” is embedded in the party’s name, and the spirit of that attribute is supposedly at the core of the party’s DNA, being the raison d'être for its formation.

Why “supposedly”?

Well, if PKR is for justice, then pray tell me, what has it done regarding the seemingly never-ending injustice in relation to Teoh Beng Hock’s case?

It becomes even more baffling when one notes that the current head of the MACC was an ex-PKR leader. Baffling because Latheefa Koya appears to be now distancing herself from seeking justice for Teoh and his family.

I shake my head in disbelief and disappointment when I notice such things. Especially since we are well aware of just how driven Latheefa the politician was whilst she was in PKR, prior to her appointment as MACC chief. 

One would only need to recall, for example, her frequent Twitter posts commenting on the perceived wrongdoings within her former party, to the point of lambasting party leaders. 

Couple that with her background of social activism, it therefore beggars belief when her response after becoming the head honcho at MACC is more akin to a ‘none of my business’ approach.

Many Malaysians must have hoped that getting to the bottom of the Teoh Beng Hock conundrum would have been on top of Latheefa’s to-do list; after all, she was from the Justice Party.

Then again, this 'cool-down' effect is not limited to Latheefa; for the same malady has also affected other Harapan politicians, many whom rode on the coattails of promising justice for victims maligned by the system.

M Indira Gandhi, Amri Che Mat and Raymond Koh are other clear examples. Pakatan politicians who promised that Indira’s nightmarish journey would come to an end with a resolution that favours her, as decided by the courts, have now also embraced a similar lackadaisical attitude.

This Dr Mahathir Mohamad-led government can no longer convince Malaysians that it would apply the rule of law; all these now appear to be mere posturing in order to play to the gallery. 

It does not take the deductive powers of a Sherlock Holmes to form this conclusion, especially after observing the nonchalance with which Mahathir dismissed Suhakam’s findings on the case of the enforced disappearance.

The prime concern for this Harapan government no longer revolves at ensuring rule of law; in fact, one now wonders if it ever was in the first place. 

Rather, most of us have now adjudged that the chief concern of this Harapan cabinet is to safeguard the sensitivities of their party’s respective vote base, especially so for the party of the prime minister. After all, we know how he thinks; we’ve had 22 years of it.

In the minds of Malaysians, most have concluded that this Pakatan government is merely playing musical chairs by forming committees, sub-committees and what-not, or when one government agency passes the buck to another government agency.

In the midst of all this, I would like to raise this poser for Nik Nazmi; is PKR for justice? 

If so, which PKR politician has spoken up for the aforementioned issues? And pursues it passionately so the victimized families could experience closure?

To Nik Nazmi – and by extension, PKR and Pakatan Harapan – if you cannot deliver justice, then you can forget about delivering a vision of multicultural, prosperous Malaysia.

For your vision is only as good as your delivery of the much sought after electoral promise – rule of law - whilst you are in power.

Malaysians wait with hope, albeit one that grows dimmer by the day. 

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