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Terrorism sponsoring states like Israel just love writers like Helen Ang . What more could you ask of a seemingly unbiased Asian with no apparent proclivity to any of the warring factions in the Arab-Israel conflict than to be presented with a complete and total whit wash of the sufferings of the Palestinians?

Portraying the Palestinians as a people with a 'penchant for violence' is a tired and sorry excuse for an article. The attempt to paint perpetrators as victims and a displaced people as aggressors and then attempting to link them to Sept 11 is even more pathetic.

Lest we forget, can we remind ourselves that Israel is a state built on land stolen from the Palestinians. Europe has been unable to accept Jews in their heartland and the Palestinians were deemed a meek enough people to be made scapegoats. Unfortunately for the Europeans, the Palestinians refuse to pay for the crimes of those who perpetrated the Holocaust and soothe the guilty conscience of those who watched impotently while Hitler rose to power.

Let us also remind ourselves that the Palestinian diaspora is the world longest and biggest refugee problem. For close to 60 years now, 1.2 million Palestinians live in 50 refugee camps spread across five countries. Three million Palestinians who live in other Arab countries have found no succour in close to 60 UN resolutions rebuking Israel and calling for a just solution.

But this wonderful skill of the media in telling it how it isn't goes a step further. Israelis being investigated for war crimes have been wondrously transformed as men of peace. Let us also remind ourselves of this newly-created man of peace Ariel Sharon who said the following:

"I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian women and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian child's existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian woman is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do." - in an interview with General Ouze Merham, when questioned about the loss of Zionist soldiers during the massacres of Rafah and Khan Yunis in 1956).

Perhaps Helen Ang should stick to championing the ethical treatment of dogs and cats; she has demonstrated that she is incapable of ethical reporting and she does not even feel it worthwhile to champion the cause of human refugees. Perhaps in her Zionist sympathy she considers Palestinians below the rank of dogs and cats?

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