LETTER | Members of Parliament need to think carefully before ridiculing research.
Bung Mokhtar's statement saying that Malaysians are fat and therefore prosperous is simply ridiculous and typical of how detached Umno has become from the hardship faced by common people like you and me.
Firstly, obesity is an epidemic in Malaysia. We are the biggest affected country in Asia, which gives rise to a lot of health problems and is a strain on the country's resources.
"More importantly, the WHO report that was quoted points to the issue of malnutrition amongst children. As a member of Parliament, Bung needs to ask himself why this is happening, instead of making ridiculous statements like this. MPs need to show some class and intellect.
The report indicates that Malaysians do not have access to healthy and wholesome food. This forces them to resort to unhealthy, convenient food that is not nutritious.
Unlike Umno leaders who can afford expensive quinoa, we the common Malaysians have to resort to cheap and unhealthy alternatives, because they are cheaper.
Common people in urban areas like Kampung Baru and Keramat, as well as other urban and rural parts of the country have to struggle to make ends meet while taking care of their families.
They do not have the money to even take care of themselves. This issue is well-documented in more developed economies like the US where the risk of obesity and lack of nutrition is higher in low-income groups so it is unsurprising that in a country like Malaysia similar issues are occurring.
Bung Mokhtar needs to spend some time walking in the shoes of the rakyat instead of shooting off his mouth and making a mockery of Parliament. We need better people in Parliament.
The writer is Bersatu strategy and policy bureau deputy chairperson.
The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.