The Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia (Page) wishes to commend the Kuala Lumpur Branch of the Malaysian Historical Society (MHSKL) for their tireless effort in teaching historical events to school children by re-enacting such poignant scenes.
We agree that the most memorable of such scenes leading towards Merdeka was when Tunku pleaded for the rakyat to help him fund the journey of the Alliance Party to London.
However, the Umno song was created only in 1985. Therefore, re-enacting Merdeka by singing the Umno song is historically inaccurate.
Nonetheless, we wish MHSKL well in their future undertakings.
It is important that historical facts are accurately presented to the young – who have such impressionable minds – with clarity and without prejudice.
And most importantly, as intended by our forefathers, Malaysia must be a country that stands united, integrated and accepting of each other without question, with no one race dominating the narrative.
It is unfortunate that a certain party has instead taken advantage of a noble school event with good intentions, turning it into a political campaign.
A precedent has been set, which may open the floodgates for other political parties to misuse schools as platforms to tell their “untold stories” with a view to “putting the record straight.”
Page maintains an apolitical stance. We do not support any political parties as we see the future of our children as the responsibility of everyone irrespective of political affiliations.
Political campaigns in schools, consciously or otherwise, have to be nipped in the bud immediately.