From Our Readers

I am perplexed by Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad's persistent notion that Islam is not harmonious with science and hence a Muslim scientist or biologist is a deviationist if he or she chooses to believe science.

It is also unfair and erroneous for him to base this notion on a single example of the Darwin theory when it is known that in many other aspects, the Quran does not contradict with the scientific facts.

But of course, the al-Quran is not a book about science, and it is not meant to elaborate on these facts in detail. As it explains the tenets of Islam, the Quran does use examples - whether directly or indirectly - which point to scientific data.

Though the examples in the Quran are superficially illustrated, they are not known to be in conflict with the knowledge we have at hand. Why, apart from the examples provided by Nick Adam Khairil Chan , I have also found that Surah al An'aam:125 supports the physiology of respiration at higher altitude.

However, I do believe that true knowledge must be able to stand trial and fair criticism. Darwin's evolution theory up till now still remains a theory. Just recently, a body by the name of the Discovery Institute reported that 400 scientists worldwide - including renowned biologists from Russia - have signed a petition objecting to the evolution theory , stressing that the impression of Darwin's theory as science versus religion, is misleading.

Now, if the physicists fraternity itself cannot find a unanimous position on Darwin's theory, what is so surprising about the Quran not supporting it?

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