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It is quite sad to read about the latest setback for Anwar Ibrahim on his quest to free himself from the predicament he is facing as reported here.

I will not comment on whether he is guilty or not of the ‘crime’ he has been charged with but suffice to say this is one of those crime that is crime in some country like Malaysia and the section he was charged was the consensual between two parties but surprisingly only one party faced the music.

My point of writing this letter is to say to Anwar don’t despair, as a higher power is watching.

Even the mighty Dr Mahathir Mohamad who was and is still full of spite for Aanwar is willing to work with PKR and Harapan to save Malaysia , therefore however futile the situation looks , Almighty God is watching and there will be retribution to those who use their power and influence to ‘injure’ others and all the supporting cast will get their just rewards, too.

The problem in Malaysia, just like many African countries with despots, power is allegedly vested in just one person and everyone else just serves that one person. (If I were part of the set up, I will probably toe the line too as in choosing between family security and universal justice , I am quite sure I will choose family well-being first.)

However, world history is filled with those who have seen great injustice done to them and still managed to come out victorious in the end.

Of course the historical examples will have to start with Gandhi but the British being a bit more civilised, well a lot more civilised, did not continuously prosecute Gandhi like Anwar is being subjected to. No balaclava-clad strike force was utilised to arrest Gandhi.

Then there were Nelson Mandela who probably is a better example to compare, Lech Walesa of Poland and Aung San Suu Kyi (although some may object to this for the handling of the Rohingya crisis).

Regardless, the undisputed power may change suddenly and the wheels will turn.

I always wonder how those activist and politician who are being arrested for all sorts of charges survive even a day in jail or detention, so I most certainly can sympathise with Anwar for his season pass to Jabatan Penjara group of resorts, what anguish his family must be going through, and so on.

Please don’t despair, Anwar, many of us share your concern for the country and many of us are praying for things to change so that those who are corrupt and abuse their position will get their just rewards.

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