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Let's assume our responsibility in fighting dengue

Of late, dengue has become a significant public health problem in Malaysia.

According to the Health Ministry, there was more than 50 percent jump in the number of deaths caused by dengue compared to 2014, the highest number of dengue deaths ever recorded in the country where 336 people - an average of 28 a month - died from dengue last year compared to 215 in 2014, a rise of 56.3 percent.

Reportedly, there was also an increase of 11.2 percent in the number of dengue cases throughout last year, up from 108,698 in 2014 to 120,836 cases. This recent upsurge in dengue related incidents has sparked off debate on whose responsibility is it to fight dengue? Is it the government or the community?

The Malaysian Consumers Movement (MCM) agrees with Health Minister Dr S Subramaniam that the “war” against dengue must be fought by all agencies and the community by large, as it cannot be handled by the government alone.

The MCM believes that the while the health authorities continue to educate and promote preventive measures to eradicate dengue, there is only so much that they can do. Results can only be achieved when we as citizens assume individual and collective responsibility.

There is, therefore, a dire need for community responsibility, public participation and responsible citizen behaviour. Dengue is a serious business and eradicating it therefore must become our top priority.

While a vast majority of us are responsible citizens, sadly there are still amongst us who need to change our view on our responsibility in many of the health issues that threaten us including dengue.

As a community we must adopt an environments free of mosquitoes, obey our public health inspectors as they advise us on how to eradicate mosquitoes. Personally at home, we can take precautions by using repellents or mosquito nets and ensure that there are no mosquito breeding areas.

The MCM is optimistic that positive results can be achieved if we as individuals and as a community take charge of the situation. The government, on the other hand, must continue to adequately provide its services to the people as demanded out of them.

After all, pointing figures is just not going to take us anywhere.

DARSHAN SINGH DHILLON is president, Malaysia Consumers Movement (MCM).

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