From Our Readers

“An expert is someone who can tell you exactly how something can't be done.” - Robert Heinlein

In the wake of the transformational and innovational agendas towards making the vision a reality, a plethora of work has been and needs to be done. Conferences, workshops, think-tank meetings had been going on and on, a never-ceasing agenda.

Many organisations had called upon experts to help and assist them in getting the desired objectives and results. Organisations were seen caught up in making sure they had the right experts in the room in order to reach a consensus in their programmes or projects model in which they couldn’t make any progress, let alone reach agreement.

What they didn’t seem to understand and ‘want to understand’ was that what they were doing had been done repetitively before. Sound foolish enough in doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The organisation was going down the same path they have always gone down. They were preoccupied with bringing the same people in the room again and again.

An organisation should let the idea of ‘experts’ and ‘right people in the room’ go, and focus on inviting a variety of diverse parties who may bring with them fresh ideas and divergent thinking too. If you must have ‘experts’, ask them to leave their name tags, titles, and expertise at the door. Ask them to listen, ask them to open their minds, and invite them to become ‘sponges’.


Sounds awkward it seems, but please, can you not ‘boast’ or call yourself an expert. Also please stop expecting others to refer to themselves as self-appointed experts.

Professionals all over the world would definitely focus on being an expert. For sure, most want to be the person that everyone turned to whom supposedly ‘knew it all’. For sure, one would tell, he or she is an ‘expert’ in the fields call for.

And to some (and most likely) they prefer to be a ‘nobody’. To the moderates, they would prefer to be with persons who wants to learn, study and try out new things. The possibility of getting knowledge and information on subjects and fields would therefore enhance and broaden what we know. Curiosity is the word. One would acknowledge what they don’t know, and what more to be ‘learned’.

It is good to see the ‘I am an expert’ and ‘I know everything’ terms to have a more open-minded approach.

The conception of approaching anything we do with openness and few preconceptions is of course frightening. Our greatest obstruction when dealing with topics like education and administration, in particular, is that everyone in these fields is, by their very virtue, are the ‘said experts’ in their fields.

A post-graduate degree holder is an expert in the field of study, he or she probably wrote a thesis on particular subjects and issues or even persons during that period and spent years working to become the preeminent expert in that area. In any profession whether one chooses to be a lawyer, engineer, doctor, or administrator - the varied careers demand that one becomes an expert.

A fledgling-like state of mind

It is great, pleasant and brilliant to see, one change his or her outlook at whatever point drawing closer something new or diverse. Rather than calling one an ‘expert’, be arranged to approach one’s work with another or fledgling-like state of mind. It is difficult. Actually, it requires a sort of un-educating, which is extremely troublesome in both of those areas.

It’s unreasonable. But, it’s what we should do keeping in mind the end goal to grasp new thoughts. Calling oneself a ‘nobody’ does not delete their skill, knowledge or know how in the studies, rather it opens up to developing in those particular fields and in addition manages the chance to investigate new ones.

It permits one to tune in, to make inquiries, to be interested, to disappoint my gatekeeper. It permits me to see what is conceivable, rather than what is NOT.

Now ask yourself, are you really ‘an or the expert’. Are you are willing to keep aside that title? Would you be able to wind up more open to new thoughts? In what manner may you manage the ‘experts’ in your workplace? By what method may you help them move their reasoning? We are now facing this challenge both in the education and the administration services.

“To be regarded as an expert, it goes without saying that you must first be very knowledgeable, skillful and competence in your field, but more importantly, you must be regarded by your peers as so.”

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