Two months ago Malaysiakini highlighted the abuse of two sun bears forced to live in tiny cages at the Tawau Hot Springs, Sabah. Both bears were not provided readily available drinking water or food and were seen pacing back and forth in their respective cage as a result of years of incarceration, suffering from zoochosis.

Malaysian Friends of the Animals (MFOTA) recently received photos and reports confirming both bears are now missing from the Tawau Hot Springs. Tourists who visited the park was informed by a park staff that the Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD) had ‘taken’ both bears. At the same time we also received news that both bears are still at the park but hidden, out of public view.

When questioned by local NGO orangutan Friends of the Orangutans (Foto), the SWD refused to deny or confirm what we were told. After almost a week the SWD still has not replied to Foto.

Where are both sun bears now? Are they still suffering daily like they have for years? Are the SWD trying to protect the owner of the park, an influential political figure in Sabah?

MFOTA's petition to help free the bears was started in October and since then over 6,500 activists from around the world have signed it, demanding both bears be set free of their daily hell.


MFOTA demands the SWD and Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Ministry to come clean and inform the public what has happened to both bears. If they are still at the Tawau Hot Springs they must be confiscated immediately and sent to a rescue centre.

JENNIFER YEAP is with Malaysian Friends of the Animals.

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