Did someone say that “Malaysians are stupid” ? Oh my God, if this is not seditious then what is? If this is not treason, what is? If this is not insulting a nation, what is?
Come to think of it, if anyone says something about the powers that be questioning or bringing into public focus the credibility and capability of the person or persons in power, it is quickly deemed as seditious. It is slammed with the label ‘biadap’ and you have a retinue of NGOs protesting outside your business or private premises.
Now that the former prime minister and once president of the Umno political party says that “Malaysians are stupid”, does it not include all Malaysians - rakyat and rulers, and Umno as well?
Well of course, Dr Mahathir Mohamad will storm back claiming that he was “misquoted” or his “speech was taken out of context”.
Well let us then give even that possible rebuttal a benefit of doubt. After all we all know how some media - both among the patronising mainstream and offensive online media portals may do at times.
But then again, did he or did he not say “Malaysians are stupid”?
If he did (otherwise the media that reports so must be mad really), then here are some pointers for national debate:
First, can you think of any nation where its premier leader or once-has-been ever make a public statement condemning that nation’s citizens in such insulting manner? Yes, perhaps, only in the likes of the Idi Amins and Mugabes, right?
Then logically, that’s where the Tun fits, too. Now, would this statement amount to disrespect? If it does, then what about branding Malaysians as “stupid” ?
Second, in any other right-minded, politically mature democracy, such a statement would have triggered a nationwide protest of sorts demanding immediate withdrawal of such statements and a national, public apology to go along.
We do not see any such reactions in Malaysia among Malaysians. Either we are extremely “stupid” or indeed most forgiving. Only time will tell.
Third, Tun, you have far too many times said things - either in your blog or in public in full view of media reporters, many things that harbor in the murky waters of hatred, instigation and demeaning of fellow Malaysians.
But somehow, you come off quite easily as an untouchable - not only by your opponents but even by your own political party league members and supporters. Even when you dug in deep into the turfs of our sovereign rulers, you got away without your titles removed.
Wonder how you do it? Yes, it must be that either Malaysians are downright stupid or it’s just that they do not care given their extremely ‘easily forgive’ and ‘mudah lupa’ mindsets and dispositions.
Oh My God (OMG)! What else will the Tun say about us Malaysians, tomorrow? And do we prove him right or do we prove him wrong? Or will we carry on with life with that Malaysian trademark of “biarlah”?