From Our Readers

I refer to the article published in malaysiakini with the headline Rumblings within Keadilan Youth over PAS ties .

A few things need to be clarified.

I would like to stress that the call for a breakaway from PAS did not come from a PRM faction. Indeed, PRM has always maintained its stand on various issues including PAS' Islamic state etc.

However, in this present issue it was clearly a majority of the Keadilan Youth Exco from the states who have in fact called for a breakaway from PAS.

The sentiments in the youth exco range from a total break off with PAS to having just an electoral pact.


One of the reasons given was PAS' sometimes extreme stand on various issues which has put off a large number of opposition supporters, especially those from Keadilan.

Keadilan, a multicultural and multiracial party, strives for social justice for all regardless of race, religion or sex. PAS' view on women is extremely conservative and patriarchal - a total opposite of Keadilan which has a woman as president!

Furthermore the report quoted an unknown source as claiming that the PRM has an axe to grind with PAS because:"They are also upset with PAS spiritual adviser Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat's statement about their leader Dr Syed Husin Ali just before the election".


This is total rubbish! I challenge this so-called unnamed 'party insider'to come out clean. PRM has always based its decision and policy on valid principles and not on personal reasons or revenge.

In the present situation, I wish to state once again that the decision to call for a re-evaluation of our position in the Barisan Alternatif was based on a collective discussion of the Angkatan Muda Keadilan during the post-mortem meetings on the election results.

[ The writer is the information chief of Angkatan Muda Keadilan (Peralihan) ]

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