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In a few months time the government will unveil its 2015 budget proposal in parliament. Najib Abdul Razak, who is the prime minister and also the finance minister has been very accommodative and has incorporated several ideas and suggestions from the public in formulating the nations annual budget in the past.

As usual for the 2015 Budget the public has once again being invited  to submit their ideas and suggestions to the PM for consideration for the the coming budget.

On behalf of the hundreds of animal lovers in the country I wish to take this opportunity to appeal to the prime minister to consider some form of tax relief for pet owners in the country. Pets like cats and dogs are now becoming very much of a member of the family. The PM, being an animal lover and a pet owner, will understand what it takes to cater for pets which has strong bonding among  children and members of the family.

It is getting common nowadays to see at least one pet in each home.

I am aware that providing tax relief for pets can be a little challenging to implement as pets can also mean all sorts of furry and non-furry critters from horses to fish and turtles, birds, rabbits and hamsters, etc. For a start the authorities can consider providing tax relief for pet owners of  felines and canines. Cats and dogs are said to be the most popular pets in Malaysia.

The authorities can stipulate appropriate conditions to be fulfilled by pet owners before they can file for this pet tax relief. Only pets that are licensed and microchipped  with an annual vet inspection certificate should be considered for the tax relief. This will encourage pet owners to be more responsible towards their pets and help reduce the dumping of pets into animal homes.

There are also many poor families, particularly in the rural and suburban areas, owning pets but unable to provide them with professional veterinary care. For these poor pet owners the government should consider allocating funds to set up mobile vet clinics.

Services like spaying and other minor veterinary care should be provided free for these pet owners. The free spaying for cats and dogs will help reduce the unnecessary birth of kittens and puppies which ultimately end up as strays in the streets. Tax deduction incentives and other relief should be considered for private vet clinics and animal welfare organisations that help in spaying or neutering of stray dogs and cats.

Tax relief and special allocation of funds in the budget for setting up mobile vet clinics in the rural areas will not only help the pet and its owners but it will go a long way to show the world how compassionate and all encompassing in nature is our  annual budget proposal.

Spiritualists believe that when we take into consideration the well-being and safety of  non-human sentient living entities such as our animals in our midst (environment) we will be blessed and engulfed with positive vibes (energy). These positive vibes or energy are said to have the protective power to  neutralise negative vibes or bad luck.

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