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Instead of being turned into insensitive mud-slinging, the controversy of Zunar's cartoon published in Harakah could be discussed rationally with the correct intention of all sides. We can also learn some positive and rational lessons in the process.

First, there is no doubt that Zunar was wrong in this instance. The reasons have been pointed out by many and I don't think I should repeat them here. However, this does not mean that all of Zunar's cartoons were wrong or offensive.

On the contrary, in many other political cartoons Zunar presented through Harakah and malaysiakini , it can be seen that he is quite a talented artist and sharp-eyed social critic. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, which is rare in this society where sycophants and minions reign in politics and mainstream journalism.

All human beings make mistakes but in my opinion, as long as Zunar realises his mistake in this particular case and say sorry, he can improve the techniques of presentation and continue the struggle for justice through art. I will continue to enjoy and appreciate his social and political criticisms.

Second, I commend PAS Acting President Abdul Hadi Awang and Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz Nik Mat as well as the editor of Harakah, Zulkifli Sulong for their moral courage, honesty and integrity to call a spade a spade.

This is what true leadership is about, not afraid of admitting mistakes and errors made by oneself or one's supporters, and brave enough to offer apology to those who were wronged.

Third, it is this spiritual capacity of self-criticism and self-reflection, moral courage and sincerity that most of the Umno leaders, including (I am sorry to say) Dr Mahathir Mohamad, lack and should learn from PAS. Umno leaders, because of their wealth and power tend to be oppressively narcissistic and vaingloriously insolent.

Fourth, although Zunar was wrong in this particular case, there is a need for us to find out the root causes of why a 78-year old retiring Umno top leader and prime minister, and his party, are so intensely resented.

One of the principal reasons, in my personal opinion, is the arrogance of Umno leaders in treating the rakyat as if they were the slaves in feudal or colonial times. This is especially true with Mahathir, who publicly insults and humiliates the people by calling them 'stupid' and 'lazy'.

Worse, all channels for the rakyat to reply or debate are closed off - almost all our media are monopolised and manipulated by Umno and MCA. Academics and tertiary students who are as smart, if not smarter than Umno leaders, are barred from articulating ideas different from the party lines under the Universities and University Colleges Act.

Legitimate leaders of opposition are often threatened with detention without trial indefinitely. Peaceful gatherings, demonstrations and assemblies organised by opposition parties are banned, and brutally dealt with by the Federal Reserve Units and Police Special Branch.

Wasteful expenditure of public funds on white elephant projects like Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, and Perwaja to benefit a clique of elite crony, has incensed the rakyat who is forced to face unemployment, underemployment, retrenchments, city flood and 'Fourth World' public utilities.

Who does not get angry and resentful if, after their taxes are wasted on unproductive projects, they are blamed for being 'stupid' and 'lazy', by a the ruling elite whose business skills is based only on 'know-who', not 'know-how'?

Over a period of time, the suppressed grievances naturally become uncontrollable hatred and bitterness. Umno is today reaping what it has planted in the hearts and minds of Malaysians. Australian PM John Howard would probably call it the boomerang effect.

Year in and year out, the Umno- and MCA-controlled media has been repeated churning out propaganda of hatred, jealousy and divide-and-rule. Unconsciously, the normal psychology of many Malaysians have been deformed and irrationalised, becoming breeding ground of uncontrollable hatred and bitterness.

Thus, although Mahathir has been wronged by this particular cartoon, it is his party and himself, who has to be blamed as the root cause of his humiliation at this advanced age. This is the ultimate failure of a leader.

To undo this, Mahathir must do a last great service to the nation by offering public apologies to Malaysians and people of the world he has been wronged in actions or in words. Otherwise, the spectre of hatred, bitterness and resentment will continue to haunt Umno and its top leaders in one form or another without end.

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