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Gov't must be stringent in issuing halal certification

The Consumers' Association of Penang (CAP) is shocked and concerned over the recent revelation regarding content of pig DNA in food products that is widely consumed by Muslims.

The Department of Islamic Development Malaysia/Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) had just recently revealed the results of analysis conducted by the Chemistry Department of Malaysia on HP Sauce and Tabasco Pepper Sauce which confirmed the presence of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of pig.

Today's media report stated that all holders and new applicants of Halal certification (Sijil Halal Malaysia) that use HP Sauce and Tabasco Pepper Sauce have been directed to use alternative products that is certified Halal, following the finding of pig DNA in the said product.

Any issue pertaining to Halal Haram has to be taken into serious consideration as it is of crucial importance to Muslims.

CAP also urges the authorities to conduct rigorous inspection and test sauce-related products besides the said brand as there are many sauces produced in the country and overseas.

This is a serious matter as sauces are widely used in cooking, whether at home, food stalls or restaurants, and especially in Western food.

Food processing has become more complex in the advent of food technology and consumers also have wider choice of processed food and this creates a situation where consumers are exposed to a variety of food that may contain Haram ingredients.

In view of this, CAP urges the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism to revoke the sale of HP Sauce and Tabasco Pepper Sauce in Malaysia.

CAP urges Malaysians to be cautious and immediately stop using sauces until its contents is certified Halal by Jakim . Consumers should also avoid consuming chicken burger patties and chicken Taiwan sausage because their Halal certificates have been revoked.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism should immediately recall these products from the market as it is of grave concern not only to Muslims but to vegetarians as well and this needs urgent attention.


SM Mohamed Idris is president of the Consumers' Association of Penang

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