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I refer to the Malaysiakini report 7 killed as anti-Ahmadinejad protests turn deadly .

I am shocked at the violence in Iran being perpetrated by those unhappy with the results of the recent elections.

While I agree that it is their right to express their frustration and anger through peaceful means, it is totally unacceptable to engage in rioting and destruction of public and private property.

It is simply not acceptable to torch police cars and smash windows.

The events in Iran are disturbing. What will the world come to if the losers of an election resort to such display of un-sportsmanship behaviour?

The outcome of the election was easily predictable. Pre-election surveys by the Western media such as the one carried out by The Guardian (UK) came to the conclusion that the incumbent, President Ahmadinejad was twice as popular as his closest opponent, Mirhossein Mousavi.

It is a worrying trend if people are not going to accept the results of the polls.This is a dangerous precedent that can lead to chaos and the downfall of modern civillisation.

Democracy is the core of our peace and stability and if we allow such undemocratic elements to take over, we are practically doomed.

The results of a democratic election must be accepted by all parties. The use of any other means to gain power should not be tolerated.

This includes street demonstrations (such as by Mousavi in Iran) or through external interference (eg, the takeover by Barisan Nasional of Perak despite Pakatan Rakyat winning the democratic elections) or even through the use of money politics and corruption.

All such means to power are against the spirit of democracy. Democracy is the secret of properity and success.

An important analogy to remember is that democracy is the ‘goose that lays the golden eggs'. Please don't kill it.

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