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MP SPEAKS | Use facts when discussing budget for non-bumi
Non-bumi contribute to nation-building too in terms of tax, human resources.
Lim Guan Eng
1 d ago
MP SPEAKS | PAS Youth's odd Palestinian parallel on Urban Renewal Act
Comparing legitimate planning policy to Zionist aggression is dangerously irresponsible.
Syerleena Abdul Rashid
9 d ago
MP SPEAKS | Review Home Ministry trespass charge against Suaram duo
Any form of peaceful dialogue with govt must be encouraged, not stifled.
M Kulasegaran
11 d ago
MP SPEAKS | Urban renewal is about people, not politics
It's about ensuring that the next generation does not inherit slums.
Syerleena Abdul Rashid
a month ago
MP SPEAKS | Are we willing to sacrifice our Malayan tiger national icon?
The big cats teeter on the brink of extinction with destructive projects in their habitat.
Syerleena Abdul Rashid
a month ago
MP SPEAKS | TVET pathway to prosperity
TVET can catapult economic growth, reduce foreign labour, and secure youth employment.
M Kula Segaran
a month ago
MP SPEAKS | M'sia always been part of int'l humanitarian community
When we needed help, other countries helped us too.
Sim Tze Tzin
a month ago
MP SPEAKS | Govt stance on anti-corruption rally regrettable
Requiring DBKL's consent is unreasonable and a mere excuse to hinder the protest.
Ramkarpal Singh
a month ago
MP SPEAKS | RM1 bank withdrawal fee: Monopoly is bad for consumers
It limits consumers' options for financial products and services.
William Leong
2 months ago
MP SPEAKS | Attacks on minority in Bangladesh must stop
Differences should be celebrated, not disputed.
M Kula Segaran
3 months ago
MP SPEAKS | Why online predators deserve zero mercy
They steal more than innocence.
Syerleena Abdul Rashid
3 months ago
MP SPEAKS | Govt needs to uplift Indian community from poverty
More must be done urgently to address discrimination against the disadvantaged.
M Kula Segaran
5 months ago
MP SPEAKS | Time to create an ecosystem for living wage
Current minimum wage system archaic, does not adequately address families' needs.
M Kula Segaran
5 months ago
MP SPEAKS | Moving progressively in raising workers' income
Minimum wage remains unchanged at RM1,500 since 2023.
M Kula Segaran
6 months ago
MP SPEAKS | Build bridges, not barriers in halal cert debate
Kok is advocating for measured, thoughtful approach to halal implementation.
Syerleena Abdul Rashid
6 months ago
MP SPEAKS | Mandatory halal cert troubling move in multiracial society
Policies must enhance inclusivity without compromising vibrancy of nation's food culture.
Ganabatirau Veraman
6 months ago
MP SPEAKS | Govt urged to expand Madani housing to Greater KL
This will alleviate inner-city congestion and reduce pressure on city amenities.
Teresa Kok
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | Brewery donation: Stop preaching, give govt funds instead
Non-Muslim parents fear vernacular schools' survival much more than 'unhealthy' influence.
Lim Guan Eng
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | A second chance to rebuild lives
Discharging bankruptcies to enable people to contribute to economy.
M Kulasegaran
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | Deadly cyberbullying trend demands urgent action
Stronger laws, heftier penalties needed to combat menace.
Syerleena Abdul Rashid
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | Child-free: Time for respectful dialogue
PAS MP statement fails to recognise deeply personal reasons behind family planning decisions.
Syerleena Abdul Rashid
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | Hire more cops, keep police stations open
Four more police personnel should be hired for each station in country.
Lim Guan Eng
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | Govt hears people's woes but unpopular reforms necessary
Putrajaya acknowledges it needs to communicate recent decisions better.
Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | New book on Harapan govt fruit of Dr M's falsehoods
Coalition's popularity plunged as ex-PM fought allies in 2018.
Lim Guan Eng
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | DLP guidelines: A step in the right direction
Programme has met with obstacles since introduction in 2016.
Fadhlina Sidek
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | Two elite schools apply DLP, can govt ones follow suit?
Is it possible to follow what MCKK and Tunku Kurshiah College have done?
Lim Guan Eng
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | MCA Youth can't tell difference between e-hailing, DRT
Latest statement shows either their ignorance or an attempt to mislead public.
Kelvin Yii
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | Food waste should be separated at source
The country needs to adopt more sustainable waste management practices.
Lee Chean Chung
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | Role of architects in reimagining urban spaces
It’s time to bring back M’sians into inner cities.
Liew Chin Tong
a year ago
MP SPEAKS | Time to move forward on subsidies
Targeted subsidies will lead to fairer outcomes for all Malaysians.
Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad
a year ago