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COMMENT | In 1966, a Scottish lass just out of university, following her wanderlust, ventured out of the town of Aberdeen at the tender age of 21 to take a teaching job in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, the start of a long adventure spanning well over half a century and seeing her settle here and start a family-owned international school which thrives to this day.

The book, “Neither Here Nor There” is about Margaret Ann Shearer, born in Aberdeen at the end of the war in 1945 and bred there. Her love for seeing the world took her to Kota Bharu through a teaching programme of the British Volunteer Service Overseas.

While her crowning glory was perhaps the setting up of an international school, for which she was much loved by legions of students and parents, the book is much more than that.

It’s about the development of an individual striving to find a life of her own, the challenges she faced from being in a foreign country and actualising her passions.

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