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COMMENT | Royal addendum - when paperwork gets lost in Madani

“Malaysians are not born yesterday.”

– Khairy Jamaluddin, former government minister

COMMENT | One of the values exhibited the most in Madani is passing the buck.

Every time something happens that politically discredits this government or points to some legal malfeasances, everyone passes the buck but never to the top.

This is because the head honcho’s stock answer is - trust the process.

Keep in mind that nobody in Madani had actually said that the royal addendum pertaining to former premier Najib Abdul Razak’s house arrest was false or fabricated, but merely they have not seen it.

The Pardons Board said they didn’t receive it. The Federal Territories minister said she “did not look at it”.

The home minister said that no such document was sent to the Prison Department. Both attorneys-general (AGs) were scuttling about not answering direct questions.

The government spokesperson said that he didn’t receive anything, and as such, it means that it was not hidden

The prime minister, meanwhile, said...

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