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COMMENT | Surprise! Politician is the least trusted profession
COMMENT | I was very interested in a recent survey by global market research firm Ipsos regarding the professions most and least trusted by Malaysians.

The most obvious and most attention-grabbing, of course, were the two least trusted ones - politicians (41 percent), followed closely by social media influencers (36 percent), and government ministers (35 percent).

We can also look at the other end of the spectrum. The most trusted professions are teachers, doctors, scientists, and the armed forces.

But, I’ll tell you the truth, I was more interested in looking at the least trusted professions rather than the most trusted ones because, well, it just sounds more scandalous and sensational, which is why it makes an entertaining read. Don’t you agree?

I would like to hazard a guess as to why these professions are at the bottom rung. I will honestly say that it is just a guess, but a guess that is based on my own observations, readings, and opinions...

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