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COMMENT | Non-Muslims liable if Muslims join their religious events?

“Given these considerations, Hanif’s concerns and questions were valid and should have been addressed carefully and transparently.” - PAS secretary-general

COMMENT | There are a couple of issues that need to be addressed when it comes to the extreme political, legal, and religious provocations against Housing and Local Government Minister Nga Kor Ming.

The first big issue is this. Are non-Muslims legally liable if Muslims attend their religious events? In other words, are non-Muslims bound by this fatwa even though we are repeatedly told that Muslim diktats do not affect non-Muslims?

PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan claims that the PAS youth leader was merely following “2005 National Fatwa Council guidelines and a Federal Territories Mufti’s Office ruling, both of which impose strict conditions on Muslim involvement in non-Islamic religious events due to concerns over Islamic faith and beliefs.”

Fair enough. But then why are the Muslims who participated in this event not facing any sanctions from either PAS or the federal religious apparatus? Why is the minister liable?

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