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COMMENT | PKR, coalition partners should challenge Anwar over Najib

COMMENT | The most disturbing news last year for Malaysia is the organisation of support for Najib Abdul Razak’s house arrest and the attendant things such as acquittals and discharges not amounting to acquittals (DNAAs) in corruption cases.

They are unbelievable, aimed at forgiving and trivialising the most serious crime in Malaysia and the largest kleptocracy the world has ever seen.

Borrowed money at 1MDB was systematically stolen and put into private accounts controlled by the infamous Low Taek Jho (Jho Low), and other losses, amount to at least RM50 billion.

Low was known to Najib. According to repeated court testimony, he used the Najib connection to force through deals at 1MDB.

They could not have gone through without Najib’s approval, who as finance minister was in sole control of 1MDB’s affairs through the Minister of Finance Inc, a government company which owned all of 1MDB.

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