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COMMENT | A rebuttal of US ambassador's arrogant points
COMMENT | This article is inspired by a recent Malaysiakini interview with the United States Ambassador to Malaysia, Edgard D Kagan.

The interview reflected on the arrogance and cockiness of how the US sees itself as the so-called champion of the free world.

Now that it is Sept 11, it might be an appropriate time to reflect on US policies and assess how they have contributed to making the world safer - or not.

The end of World War II is attributed to the US bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which killed around 250,000 people using atomic bombs.

History books hail the US for bringing peace to the world. However, death and genocide did not end with World War II. Since then, the US has been involved in many other wars in smaller countries, causing widespread destruction.

To name a few: the Korean War (1950-53), the Vietnam War (1962-73), the Kosovo War (1991), the Gulf War (1991), Afghanistan (2001-2021), and Iraq (2003-2011).

As this article is being written, the US continues to be actively involved in military operations in Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere.

Refugee crisis

Today, the US and its Western allies face significant domestic threats from...

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