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COMMENT | After Zulfarhan verdict, I still wonder what justice looks like
COMMENT | What is justice? What is the correct retribution and punitive action that can be taken when a horrific crime has been committed?

I was left pondering this issue once again when news broke that six former Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) students were sentenced to death over the murder of navy cadet Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain seven years ago.

The Court of Appeal unanimously found the six ex-students guilty of murder, setting aside their initial conviction for the offence of causing death with no intent to kill, and ruled that the initial 18-year jail sentence was insufficient due to the viciousness of the crime.

I do agree with that part at least, as Zulfarhan died of injuries on June 1, 2017, from 90 instances of steam ironing, which left scalding burns on 80 percent of his body.

What kind of inhumane people can inflict such cruelty on their peers… what’s more a crowd of tormentors surrounding a single victim?

Mind you, 12 other students were...

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