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COMMENT | Concrete steps needed by govt for film industry to flourish
COMMENT | Last week, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said the government did not want to interfere in the creative industry and supported freedom of expression for artists. His remarks came after he watched the local movie “Sheriff: Narko Integriti”.

While these statements are welcomed, they starkly contrast the reality on the ground, especially after the new Film Censorship Board (LPF) guidelines and several recent cases faced by local filmmakers and community screenings.

We agree with the prime minister that film is an important medium. Our experience of using films for education and discussion demonstrates the importance of this medium which can foster positive social change and promote human rights.

We hoped to expand the reach and power of such social films by providing feedback during engagements with LPF.

Our feedback was aimed at reducing censorship and instead empowering audiences to make educated decisions about their viewing material.

However, we note with concern that...

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