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COMMENT | Is anybody listening to Ayob Khan?

COMMENT | Deputy Inspector-General of Police Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay’s recent presser was a real barn burner, not that anyone especially from the political class was paying much attention.

In it, the deputy IGP claimed amongst other things, that forces were attempting to replace him, and that he was told during his tenure in Johor by other police officers to turn a blind eye to wrongdoings.

He also claimed that other top police officers were in the crosshairs of forces wanting to replace them with “their people” and of course, he reminded the big cheeses within the police that “good cultures” among the men in blue begin with them practising integrity.


In any other democratic country, the words of the deputy IGP would invite a torrent of journalistic investigations and political enquiries. However, this seems to have gone unnoticed because nothing goes on within the Royal Malaysian Police that is not...

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