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COMMENT | Is M'sia fast becoming nation for religious fanaticism?
COMMENT | Malaysia once prided itself on its multicultural identity, even marketing itself as “Truly Asia”.

Yet, now, it would seem we have become too fractured to be truly Malaysian, let alone truly Asia. We no longer have a shared national identity as Malaysians.

Certain politicians, academics, and even teachers are leading the country dangerously towards a narrow vision of conservatism, religious fanaticism, outright discrimination and even, at times, absolute idiocy.


Nothing captures the capacity for idiocy like when the Home Ministry, still living in the past, confiscated eight books with “communist” elements from a bookshop – two decades after the communist threat had fizzled out.

Or, like when an old BN booklet is used as a reference by an MP to raise the ghosts of old fears of the communist party.

Shouldn’t we be more concerned about the...

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