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COMMENT | Is Syed Saddiq really a principled person?

COMMENT | If the latest antics of Muda founder and chief Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman are to be believed, he is a highly principled person who can’t stand to see the corruption charges against Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dropped.

Is he really that worried about corruption in Malaysia that he wants to step down and take his and his party’s sole seat out of the government bench to deny the government a two-thirds majority in Parliament when it comes to issues of importance?

Or is that an opportunistic political stunt to show that he has the power of one in an unfortunate confluence of events which saw the unity government hang on a thread to hold a two-thirds majority?


Now Syed Saddiq has snipped that thread very publicly, which may be of little consequence in the overall scheme of things since he has pledged to support legitimate reforms whatever they may be.

One must remember that in 2019...

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