In the first 20 years of my political life, I was accused of being anti-Chinese educated or a CIA, MI6, KGB, or Australian secret service agent, but in my last 20 years, I was accused of being anti-Malay, anti-Islam, anti-royalty, communist, and promoting Islamophobia.
I am none of these but a Malaysian nationalist and patriot who regards Malaysia as my only home and country, who is born, bred, and will die in Malaysia.
I believe that Malaysia is a plural country which can be a role model to the world of inter-ethnic, inter-religious, inter-cultural and inter-civilisational dialogue, understanding, tolerance, and harmony.
I was a voracious reader. I read English and Chinese publications, including the Chinese “fighting” stories rented from the roadside stalls. I was also a regular cinema goer, seeing the English and Chinese films in particular from the two cheap cinemas in Batu Pahat at 40 sen per session (there were four cinemas in BP altogether).
I was a librarian at the Batu Pahat High School in my secondary school days and later became...