
"Islam has to be the leader and ruler, those who are not of Islam must be followers (pak turut).”

– Abdul Hadi Awang

COMMENT | Any laws attempting to police speech with regard to the 3Rs (royalty, religion and race) will ultimately only benefit the forces of extremism in this country.


We have to remember that the 3Rs are the tiang seri (pillars) of Umno, the foundational philosophy of “ketuanism” that has been redefined by Pakatan Harapan as “don’t spook the Malays”.

Furthermore, when it comes to race and religion, neither are mutually exclusive in this country. Defenders of bangsa and agama will never allow any laws that restrict their speech when it comes to the 3Rs, indeed, what they want is for the state to sanction them, because this would make them legitimate and credible defenders in the eyes of a narcotised base....

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