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The way towards simplicity is through outrage.”

- William Golding, Darkness Visible

COMMENT | To be clear, I know next to nothing about current popular culture. I had never heard of the band 1975 nor its lead singer Matt Healy. So, when this issue came up, I did what any rational person would do before commenting and did a little research.

Muda deputy president Amira Aisya Abd Aziz said something really queer. She advised businesses affected by the cancellation of the Good Vibes festival to sue the band.

Really? Here is a band whose frontman is a vocal LGBT advocate, drinks on stage as part of a rock star persona (which he claims his fans are in on the act), was banned from Dubai for a similar incident and generally engages in various provocations on stage.

And we are to believe everyone is shocked about this? That the numerous people who are saying that...

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