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COMMENT | To prevent hate speech is also to protect open dialogue

COMMENT | I don’t like racism or any other forms of extremism that involve race and religion. I think that this is quite evident in the many writings and films that I have done.

Coming from a mixed-race family where I have Malay and Chinese backgrounds (while so many of my other relatives consist of other races as well), I think I understand how important it is for everyone to understand and accept one another.

In my own personal opinion, no one should be treated better or worse just because of their religion or their race, no matter where they are.

In Malaysia, if a person is a citizen, they should be given equal treatment whether they are Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Bidayuh, or whatever race they are. This should be the same whether they are Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Taoist, Buddhist, or atheist.

Malaysia is not a homogenous country and...

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