COMMENT | Does Fahmi Fadzil believe what he says?

“When I’m doing my TikTok live at events, often the comments people make touch on 3R. I’ve said this in many places that social media users should not use 3R for political purposes.”

- Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil

COMMENT | For the record, not using the 3Rs (religion, race, and royalty) for political purposes is complete horse manure. It is a political ideology that the political mainstream subscribes to in this country.


Every policy decision is based on the 3Rs, it is just that people who disagree with the 3Rs should not talk about it. From Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, political operatives using the 3Rs for political purposes are not sanctioned by the state but if you are the unlucky dissenter who points out that the 3Rs are part of the problem, then the state comes down on you like a ton of bricks. So, there is that...

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