COMMENT | Ong Kian Ming and the enabling of 'ketuanism'

“The only politician ever to have entered Parliament with honourable intentions, was Guy Fawkes.”

- Terry Deary

COMMENT | In a rather inane interview with former Umno leaders Khairy Jamaluddin and Shahril Hamdan, Ong Kian Ming, who DAP supporters at one time held up as the best and brightest the party had to offer, said that KJ and Shahril should join the DAP because the DAP needed prime minister candidates.


Now of course all this is the fun and games of Malaysian politics. We have these political operatives who publicly were mortal enemies playing nice post-retirement and peddling whatever feelgood, do not disrupt the status quo narrative that mainstream Malaysian politics has to offer.


I have no idea even as a joke, why Ong (above) would suggest that Khairy and Shahril join the DAP but honestly seeing how the DAP is operating, it would not surprise me that some people would actually think that this is a good idea.

Mind you, I actually advocated for KJ in the last election. However, there is an ocean of difference between advocating for him as an Umno candidate with a modicum of functionality and advocating that he joins the DAP because you think he and his cohort would be suitable prime minister candidates for the DAP....

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