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COMMENT | Who's in charge - Anwar, Zahid, or Najib?

COMMENT | Suddenly, it is no longer about the convicted felon, Najib Abdul Razak, and his crimes, because the focus is now on one Federal judge’s dissenting ruling. Hence, the application for a royal pardon.

Umno used the dissenting judgment by the Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak, Abdul Rahman Sebli, as a segue to obtain a royal pardon. A supporting bit-part was provided by the MACC playing the roles of judge, jury, and executioner when investigating judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali.

Have the Umno Malays no dignity? We learned yesterday, that the Umno supreme council would like the Agong to grant Najib a full pardon. Whatever for?


Slippery slope

If Najib were granted a royal pardon, it must surely count as...

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